Elevate Group Hawaii Seth Weber


As Founder of Elevate Group Hawai’i, Seth has spent his career in service to people and the community.

After receiving his B.A. in Finance, Seth worked with one of the most competitive and leading healthcare companies in the world. He quickly built up multiple business divisions, expanded internationally and earned many accolades rising to the top of the company and remaining there for 13 years through his ability to develop relationships and his relentless competitive nature.

Eventually, Seth transitioned into a more hands on approach to helping the business community by directing his energy into executive recruiting. With his strong work ethic and drive to help others he has found great fulfillment in collaborating personally with both clients and talent to find success. He believes collectively we can do more.

Seth is a father of 3 incredible kids and married to an inspiring and beautiful wife. Weekends are full with kids sports, projects and recharging either on the water or outdoors. He volunteers weekly with the Rotary Club and other organizations. Seth has also spent many years living and learning in the mountains of Montana and Colorado. He is focused on health, is a life long learner and is committed to self growth.